Thursday, October 23, 2008

Clarity Haynes, American Artist

In high school my constant inspiration was my best friend Clarity Haynes. When I walked into Washington International School as a new student in 9th grade I felt super weird because I had gone to that school from Nursery through 4th grade, but left for four years to go to Catholic School. I hadn't kept in touch with my friends at all for various reasons I'm sure I'll get into later in life and so the normal first day of school jitters were compounded by a severe anxiety over seeing them again. One of the first new people I noticed was Clarity. She had bleached blond hair cut in a mega cool asymmetrical style and was wearing black clothes and silver lipstick. I was shocked by how cool she was and was totally sure we'd never be friends. I had brought a book with me that she later told me shocked her too! It was Wifey, the Judy Blume classic, and completely appropriate reading for a 14 year old. Let's face it, I was confused! 

Slowly but surely we got to know one another and basically spent nearly every day together for the next two years. We remained close after she switched to Duke Ellington High School for the Arts when my parents wouldn't let me go but it required more work. But thank goodness she did. She got support and focus and encouragement to pursue her painting and drawing talent and is now a professional artist, and I'm lucky enough to own one of her paintings. 

If by any chance you are able to be in the Philadelphia area in the next month, please see her new show, it looks amazing and I really hope I can make it. 


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