I know things are different. You can FEEL the difference. This election was important on so many levels, but it really was important to me that we have elected the first African American president. I dream that some day we will have a woman president, a Latino/a American president, and Asian American president,a Jewish president, an Arab American President, a Gay president. Our stupid societal and cultural barriers are OLD NEWS. Let's get on with it baby!
And now, we don't have to worry about the supreme court nominees President Obama will make. The balance of power will be maintained and a woman's right to choose what she wishes to do with her body under any circumstances will be preserved. This is so crucial, so essential and was so close to not happening.
So we must focus now, on what our agenda for action for the next 4 years will be. We have to take real steps towards a better America and a better world. A world where children can dream and make their dreams real. Where the food we eat is safe and healthful and scientific advancements aren't made to help corporations hurt people, but heal people. Where our education system nurtures creativity and innovation and fun and the pursuit of knowledge and exchange of ideas. Where peace is the goal and dialogue is the first step in conflict resolution. Where our natural resources and preservation of our planet are paramount to the economic interest of a few asshole cowboys in Texas. These are attainable things. Attainable through a lot of hard work and a lot of focus, but that's what's required now.
I'm going to be making a lot of lists in the coming weeks. Plans for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. We must help Barack Obama and Joe Biden and those of us we feel represent us in Congress lead and serve us. We've only just started and I'm ready.