Monday, December 07, 2009

Women Owned Businesses: To Grandmother's House We Go

If you love Mexican or Sicilian (and soon Turkish) cuisine then is there a treat out there for you. To Grandmother's House We Go is a culinary tour company dedicated to bringing the students the most authentic traditional cooking knowledge available. Currently touring in Oaxaca and Sicily and soon to be adding Istanbul, these are hands on food experiences with real experts, women, mostly real grandmothers, who have the secrets to the traditional and classic recipes of their regions.

Founded by Chef Sue Baldassano To Grandmother’s House We Go was part of her personal journey to reconnect with the food of her grandmother and as an antidote to what many of us find contrived in restaurants these days. The tours to Oaxaca, Mexico are in February and Sicily, Italy are in June. If you’re looking for a vacation with meaning and learning, I don’t think you could find one that’s better. For more information, contact Sue B. here.

In the interest of full disclosure I should mention that Chef Sue B. was one of my instructors and the Director of Education at the Natural Gourmet Institute where I recently graduated from the Chef’s Training Program. Sue was a great teacher, cool, funny, no nonsense and passionate. I’m doing what I can to follow her lead as I embark on my journey in the culinary world.

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