Friday, April 17, 2009

17dots radio show on EVR playlist No. 2

My show this week really is about my "youthier" times (thank you for that term S. Marbury, I use it often.) I got mega nostalgic pulling the songs to play and even more so playing them in order. Technical issues prevented me from playing fully hard core to twee back and forth, but you get the idea. In my view, all these songs are punk and all of them have parts that make them poppy. Genre identity is pretty boring to me.

Anyway, listen here an I hope you dig it. If you have any questions about any of the songs or bands, let me know!


Beat HappeningGodsend

Happy Go LickyAnsol

FrumpiesDeliberate Indifference


Tiger TrapSupreme Nothing

AutoclaveI'll Take You Down

ChiselHip Straights

Big BoysWhich Way To Go

Minor ThreatSalad Days

Black FlagDepression

EggHuntWe All Fall Down

Rites of SpringFor Want Of”

Comet GainStrength




Huggy BearCarn't Kiss

RiceRice Pickers

Aislers SetLast Match

Gray MatterChutes and Ladders


Born AgainstJanelle

The Filthy PrudesRecord Player

Nation of UlyssesLove is a Bull Market

PastelsNothing To Be Done

VoidWho Are You?

HeavenlyItchy Chin


Go SailorTogether Forever In Love

FugaziMargin Walker

Talulah GoshBeatnik Boy

BlitzVoice of a Generation

Youth of TodayNo More

Big Drill Car5 Year Itch

MinutemenUntitled Song For Latin America

Shudder To ThinkRed House

Clikitat IkatowiEar

SpinanesHawaiian Baby

Courtney LoveMotorcycle Boy

Brief Weeds(It's So Hard Not To) Say Hello

UnrestYes She Is My Skinhead girl


CannanesNo One

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Women Owned Businesses: Ooga Booga


It's pretty amazing when your friends do amazing things. Case in point: Wendy Yao and Ooga Booga. About 6 years ago she mentioned her idea: a small shop in Chinatown LA selling books, affordable art, some clothing, some music. And here we are, 5 years later Ooga Booga in full effect. Over the years I've picked up books, records, shoes and art all at fair prices and all made by interesting, unique and generally items that are unavailable other places. Ooga Booga often has cool parties with snacks and DJ's and art shows too.
943 N. Broadway No. 203,
Los Angeles, CA 90012,

So get on their mailing list, visit the shop and:
Support Women Owned Businesses!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Women Owned Businesses: Keep Company

Keep Company

In honor of this sunny spring day and the fact that I'm wearing my Bentons I wanted to tell you about another cool Women Owned Business. Keep Company is a shoe and apparel company owned and operated by Una Kim. They have become well known for their colorful vegan shoe lines but have cool jackets and t-shirts too. The prices are reasonable and it's worth a lot to know that your gear is well made and not exploitative. Look for it in smart shops or order it online.

Support Women Owned Businesses!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Women Owned Businesses: DUDUA


Whenever people visit Barcelona and ask me for tips at the top of my list is "you must visit Dudua." Strolling the Gothic neighborhood is wonderful no matter what your destination and no matter how many times I've done it I always get turned around, but I always find my way to Dudua. Owned and operated by Alicia Rosello, Dudua is a small shop with wonderful handcrafted items almost impossible to find anywhere else. She trolls the web and cities she visits to find the most unique, colorful, cute and quality made items, and sells them for great prices. Dudua is also home to small art shows by local artists from Barcelona, Madrid and other cities as well as the place to catch some special rock shows at a moments notice.

So definitely be sure to visit when you're in Barcelona and tell Alicia Simple Social Graces sent you!

c/Rossic 6
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Phone:(0034) 93 315 04 01
(Metro Jaume I – L4)

Support Women Owned Businesses!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Women Owned Businesses:

Today is the first in a new series of posts about Women Owned Businesses (WOB.) I am so proud of my lady friends who have begun and are running successful business. Please support WOB!


I-Healing is a wonderful company selling all natural skin care products and natural health items. I-Healing is the exclusive online distributor of Sanders Perry products which contain no chemical emulsifiers or glycerin. They are derived from over 50 varieties of natural plants coming from all over the world. I have been using these products for about 6 months now and I love them.

Owned and operated by Asami Monodrone, I-healing is a great example of a simple idea put into action. She has a very specific product line and a targeted market. She sells a quality product and has excellent service. The prices are not cheap but when you think about the crap you put on your face to save a buck and the other crap you spend your money on, it's worth it!

Asami is also a classmate of mine at Natural Gourmet and is one of the sweetest, funniest and charming food lovers I've met!

Support Women Owned Businesses!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Patriarchal Pet Peeves

Indignation at society's lack of fairness is something I try to manage wisely. It's rather useless energy and I try to spend time working on the positive tip rather than then neg. But once in a while I get a bee in my bonnet and I feel like now is a good time to get some of my pet peeves off my chest.

1- I can't stand hearing men complain about how inappropriate they think it is for women to put make up on on the train. SHUT UP DUDE. In life, and especially in NYC, every 5 minutes counts and many times that 5 minutes is the difference between being late or on time for work. And sadly, most women feel more confident having a little color on their faces. There might be a lot wrong with that but I would blame the patriarchy there too so we're not gonna get too far in a "make up free face" effort. Might I suggest you join me in my campaign for hand washing stations at all MTA exits? That is a much better use of our energies!

2- Airplane carry on guidelines are inherently sexist. They are generally one small suitcase and one personal item such as a purse, laptop bag or briefcase. Well my friends, women have to carry a purse AND a laptop bag or briefcase. I have personally been stopped multiple times for this offense and it enrages me every time. if all items are not to exceed a weight in excess of 40 pounds, then that should be the stated policy.

3- Working in a mildly corporate environment in New York City I still am absolutely aware of the different standards for appearance between men and women. As I have rather annoying high maintenance hair (yeah it takes a lot of work to look this average) I get totally P.O.'d when I see the dudes in my office stroll in with messy as hell hair, that shit just would not fly for us ladies. I can hear the comments now "what the HELL happened to you?" And not to mention the rumpled Rumpelstiltskin look many of them rock that would only send the message I'm not into if I tried to do the same.

So what can I do about any of these things besides rant on my minimally read blog? Nuthin'. I'll live.